Saturday, April 5, 2008

I have been tagged!!!

Thanks Katie...I don't even know if I have 25 things to say about myself!

1. I love Jesus Christ, without HIM in my life, I would be a wreck
2. I have an amazing husband that I love dearly
3. I have 4 beautiful children
4. Pride and Predjudice (new one) is my favorite movie
5. I love working with the J/H kids at my church
6. I truly enjoy homeschooling my children
7. I don't know how to snow ski or snow board
9. Growing up I wanted to marry Michael Jackson, Prince (or the artist formerly known as), Rob Lowe, and C. Tomas Howell
10. My dad was a self proclaimed Jew
11. I am the youngest of 4 girls
12. My oldest sister has 14 children, no twins and is a survior of breast cancer
13. Green is my favorite color
14. Filet Mingon my husband cooks for me is the best steak EVER!!!
15. I would love to excercise more
16. I feel faint when my kids hurt themselves, especially when there is blood
17. I would love to travel through Europe, visit Israel, and the Bahama's
18. I love Christain music, Jazz and KWVE radio
19. I love hanging out with friends...when we can all get the time
20. I can't wait to get to heaven
21. One thing that really makes me happy is to spend time with my family laughing and playing together
22. Seeing my husband come home everyday comforts me to the core
23. Sweat's are my favorite thing to wear
24. Roller coasters are awesome!!!
25. I really enjoy relaxing at the beach ( that mean's no kids), and watching the sunset

Ok, now if Amber, Mom or Cara read this...consider yourself tagged...come on get to it...list 25 things about yourself on your blog!! I'll be waiting!!!


Emily Elizabeth(: said...

i'm offended i'm not in this. haha. =] but i love you.

INZANE said...

lol cool sorry but i think ill pass aha...

*Amber* said...

AWW man!!!! why did you have to put my name??

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