Friday, May 23, 2008


Sin is defined as: "violation of conscience or of divine law; missing the mark; falling short of God's perfect standards; transgression(breaking) of God's law's."

I don't know about you, but I am NOT perfect. Well I take that back, I do know about aren't perfect either. JESUS was the only man to ever live that is perfect.

So what does sin look like? It is whatever is keeping you or me away from living in God's perfect will for my life, your life...we can go to the 10 commandments and compare our lives to it, keeping in mind that the 10 commandements are impossible to live by. The first commandment says that we should have NO other god before HIM. What can be a god you say...hmmmm, money, sex, alcohol....anything that you or I put before GOD in our lives...yes I said games, the computer, people....these all fit the catergory of idol as well, which is the second commandment...ok, command 3, do not take the LORDS name in vain...have you ever? Boy I sure used to be my know G** D***, or using JESUS' name as a curse word, yep been there done that!!! Ok moving on to 6, 7 and 8. You shall not murder, interesting, well I have never killed anyone...but Jesus said that if we look at anyone with hatred in our heart, it is equivilent...ok guilty. You shall not commit adultery, again...a heart issue as well as a physical issue...have you ever looked at any one with lust for them, same thing....adultery, guilty here too...and number 8, you shall not not even the paper clip from work that no one saw...not even the pens that your boss said all employees could have one!! Not even the dime candy!! If it isn't yours, don't take it...ahh blasted guilty again...

I have to be honest...looking at these few commandments, it looks to me like there is absolutley no hope for me or you! If these commands are broken, we have no hope for heaven and will live in eternal hell and damnation, seperated from GOD. I don't know about you, I don't want that!! Thankfully GOD made provision for this, for us. He sent JESUS, HIS one and only SON to die on the cross for us and HE rose again and now sit's with GOD in heaven and he wipe away our sin completely. Past, present and future!!! And with out that we have no hope. Not one of us can attain heaven on our own, we can't be good enough,we can't be righteous enough, we can't work enough and we can't do enough good deeds. We will all face judgement...we will all have to give an account for what we did in this life with JESUS. Did we accept HIM as our personal savior, did we proclaim HIS good news to the ends of the earth, to our family,our neighbor? Did we live for loving HIM with all our heart, mind, sould and strength? Did we live by faith in HIM? And if we didn't we will go to hell, it is a real place. And no you won't be there with your freinds whoopin' it will be alone in the dark, hot, thirsty and have eternal torment, kind of like someone poking you over and over with a needle or what ever the worst thing you can think of...that will be it, amplified!!! We are all sinners and fall short of GOD's glory!!!!!!(Romans 3:23)

JESUS wants to come into your life. If you read this and realize that you are a sinner in need of a savior...say this prayer with me:

GOD, I am a sinner. I know my sin deserves to be punished. I beleive Christ died for me and rose againg from the grave. I trust Jesus Christ alone as my savior. Thank you for the forgivness and everlasting life I now have. In JESUS' name, amen."

Please if you made a decision for CHRIST, post a comment...let me know.

I love you all dearly,


Emily Elizabeth(: said...

mmm. =] totally crazy.

INZANE said...

thats purtty deep right there...