Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Toon town!!

Here they cuties!!! See the little girl to the right, yea, she just wouldn't move...she was right next to Bai, and I made her at least scoot to the end of the car!!! Where were her ask, sitting at a table just to the right of the car, each on a cell phone chatting away!!! Anyhow, Cara in response to your comment, no the hair thing doesn't wear off!!! He did just cut a bit off, but it is still in his face!!! Soccer season is just around the corner, he'll be hatin' it!!!


Emily Elizabeth(: said...

awww, i love your children!!! they are sooo cute(: hehe. i love corey's half smile. hahah. he thinks he hates it, but he just wants to be a "man" lol. =] your family is sooo cute(:

Pardue Family said...

You can come with us next time for would be a blast...
Yea, Corey bein' a man...pleeeez!

Emily Elizabeth(: said...

hahahahhahaha. =]

Peterson's said...

I love this pic of the kids...and that little girl (well, half of her anyway)...she just really completes it! haha!

yeah, I have to send you a picture of Shain now....actually I will post one on my blog page...his hair is pretty long...he says it didn't bother him during soccer (yah right)...anyway I told him he has to cut it short the day he tracks out for the year (June 3rd, not that I'm countin!)...we'll see if I have the heart to make him cut it all off! I miss you guys so much!

*Amber* said...

Emily is such a little poser... i just gotta say that my little cousins are georgous!!! i miss you guys why to much and im moving home and living in your garage k??