Monday, September 15, 2008

Last night we went to a friends house for a bible study...and on the way home, around 8pm or so...Ainsley say's "God turned off the light's, time for sleep." I love how she knows that GOD is in control of all things. I guess the other day while I was gone she told Jason that GOD had turned on the lights and it was time to get up...that was probably like 6:45am...bummer. The innocence and faith of a child is encouraging...GOD has it all under control. We need not worry.


Emily Elizabeth(: said...

oh my gosh that is so cute. :] awww.

Peterson's said...

That is adorable....the innocence of children. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all see the world through the eyes of a child? Wow. How amazing that would be!

BTW, I'm sure you have given up even checking my blog page because it's been SO long since I posted....but surprisingly, I did post a few new pics and am vowing (yeah..uh-huh) to be more active in check it out from time to time! love ya!

Warrior_for_God17 said...
