Monday, April 27, 2009

How big is 5??

The number 5 doesn't generally seem that large...I mean really look at the Jackson 5, 5 flavors of life savers, 5 colors of m&m's.....the list could go on....but when the number 5 has to do with the number of children God has decieded to bless you with...there may be a slight overwhelming feeling....

God is great and HE is in absolute control....and with that HE decided to bless my belly with baby number 5...we are due in December...we are excited, the kids think it's great...Corey of course is pluggin' for a boy...I have to admit, we all are at this point. I am about 8 weeks now, for the past 2 weeks minues 4 days I have been sick, sick and a bit sick...I don't remember this with any of the others...except Ainsley...and if that is any indication of what kind of baby/child it will be...we had better get prepared....I don't know that this family can handle two of them....

I covet any prayers that any of you may have...and we will keep you posted as best as I can.

Love you!!

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