Friday, September 23, 2011

First Date with Reilley!!

What a blessing tonight was. The older 4, Corey, Bailey, Emily and Ainsley all went to the Calvary High School football game...we have close family friends Austen Taylor and his brother Trysten that play for the team, at any rate, they all went and it was just Rei and I for the evening. :)

Our first stop of the evening was the ever beloved Baskin Robbins! She had a small scoop of chocolate chip and I had 2, yes 2 regular size scoops of Chocolate chip and Pralines and Cream (absolute favorite). She sat like such a big girl in her chair and small cup of ice cream. She proceeded to eat the entire scoop, on her own, with minimal mess making! Then decided that mine needed help to be eaten, so she joined me in my bowl, with her spoon!! Good stuff, she made me smile so much, she was so very happy with her Iye Iye (she calls it).

Next stop (hold on the heavens are opening and the angels are singing...aaaaaaaahhhhh) Barnes and Noble. Oh what a joy this was, she devoured the books, looking at anything and everything she could get her hands on...her interest was caught quite a few times by some babies...which were actually children her own age :) So cute! The store has a toy section now and so we played there for a bit, and the best part of all of this, I didn't have to fight with her to leave! She is an amazing little girl. I said we were all done and she said "ok bye bye". And to top it off, I only did $26 dollars in damage :) 5 books in all!!!

Last but not least, home and tubby time was our last stop, as I write she is happily splashing and playing in her tub! Very intently playing with a squirt bottle actually...I sense danger for this computer!! Over all, not a bad night, not a bad night at all!! It was quite a blessing actually. My GOD is so good to give me these little glimmers of joy! Yes I have HIS joy and to the full always, but I don't always "feel" it! Tonight, I felt it! I needed it too. Jason is gone until next Thursday on a business trip, he left Monday, blech!! Thank you LORD for these wonderful children that you have blessed me with and have entrusted to my care! may I honor and glorify you in all I do!

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