Tuesday, June 23, 2009

16 Weeks!!

Hi everyone...just wanted to update you on the pregnancy. Everything is going very well....now. I was sick for the first 14 weeks...but now I am feeling great and finally getting back on a normal schedule...able to be up early and have my devotion witht he LORD and have much better days :)

I went to the dr. today...last visit the heartbeat was 156, typical of a girl...this time is was 139 typical of a male...as he was doing the ultrasound he had a chance to take a look at what the physical might say about what type of baby is growing in me...he seems to think girl, but too early to tell..then he says "hmmm, well that could be...." I asked him to please refrain from all comments until we get a bit further along. We go the 15th of July to find out what "it" is for sure. At this point I could care less. Two of my very best friends are having girls....they would need a boy to marry...but they would also need a friend :)

Time is moving very quickly...before we know it, it is going to be December...

Love you all!

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