Monday, August 3, 2009

We are Having a...............

So I went to the Dr. on the 15th of July. And needless to say we were not surprised to find out that we are having another girl. I was already convinced around 16 weeks in. But of course still had hopes for a boy. We are happy either way...her name will either be Kennedy Elizabeth or Reilly Elizabeth. I really, really like both, I am going to have to see her before I make a final decision...

I am 22 weeks now. Things are going so fast. We have begun the moving around process at home in order to accomodate everyone. What used to be our school room will now be Emily and Ainsley's bedroom and the baby will take the girls' old room. We will fit just fine...nice and cozy.

Jason and I have been traveling a lot this summer...unfortunatley..not together...I got to go to Hume Lake Christian camp with the Jounior High, the week I got back he had to go to LA. Then I got to take a houseboat trip with High School to the Sacramento Delta, then he turned around and went to Chicago...the perk of that trip was a CUBS game...I am home this week and amazingly so is he. Next week he gets to venture off to Colorado. It is tough, but at least he still has a job to travel with. And he won't be able to travel come Nov. I won't let him leave the county then.

I am gearing up for this year's school year. I want to be sure and be all planned out so when baby comes it is easier than trying to lesson plan on top of having an infant around. We are getting so excited though.

I will try and post the Ultrasound pictures soon. I pray this finds you all well and joyful.

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