Monday, November 2, 2009

35 weeks!!!

Here we are at 35 weeks. Time is really flying by now. I have washed some clothes, blankets, we have diapers etc. The only thing I feel like we are missing is the baby herself....:) I go to the dr. next prayers are that I can deliver by the Monday after thanksgiving. That is only10 day's early. My doctor seems to be up for "helping me along" if I am healthy and baby looks we shall see. I can't wait to meet her. She move so much now, it is funny we can see her try to break out some makes Corey gag, he thinks it is so gross to see "an alien" move like that in my stomach....
I just keep thinking how amazing GOD is in all of this. HE is truly sovreign and just plain amazing. I can't believe at times that I have a human inside of me and that GOD designed it to work this prefectly...I love HIM and I am so thankful that HE has blessed us again with the chance to train up and raise one of HIS children. The fact the HE entrust's us with another human's welfare and training boggles my mind. PRAISE be to GOD!!!

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