Saturday, June 4, 2011

Walking with Jesus

This may marked the 8th anniversary of my "New Birth". Some days I can really appreciate the marked difference in my character, life and heart. Other days I wonder if I am different at all. I spend time in the Word daily...even if for 10 min. That is a significant difference in my life. I love Jesus (difference #2), and am often bewildered at how much! I so desire to be more and more like Him and get so frustrated with myself when I see and hear the "old man" creeping into things I say and do. I know that He has promised to complete the work he has started in me...and I know that living here in this fallen world I will struggle and I will have the battles that I do. But here is my hope; it isn't forever and I am NOT doing it alone. Christ, upon His death, promised to give His Holy Spirit as a helper for me when he departed to be with the Father and prepare a place for me. I have the Spirit of God living in me. Guiding me, praying for me and growing me. Hallelujah!!! Praise God that He loved me enough to save me, and leave me here to grow in Him. I take joy in the daily "drudgery" where I often see and hear the old me coming out...but the joy comes when I know and am reminded that I do not have to fall into old habits, old tones of voice and old mannerisms...Rom 6 tells me that I am NO LONGER bound to the that. But that I am FREE in Christ to walk in obedience to HIM. Praise GOD for HIS grace and love! Continue to grow me LORD, more in love with you and less inclined to self.

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