I have a newer devotional that I am going through lately...a friend of mine suggested it. At first I was reluctant to try it, I am a creature of habit...and I already have a devotional that I use daily...in any case, I picked it up and LOVE IT!!!
Today's devo was on 2 Cor 12:9. "My grace is sufficient for you." The writer is talking about a major tragedy that he had gone through in his life and how this verse got him through. If we read the verse exactly as it say's...GOD is telling us that HIS grace IS sufficient for me!! Not that it will be or not that it could be...but that it IS. HIS grace is enough, HIS grace is sufficient. I don't need anything more!
At the end he makes this statement "Never change God's facts into hopes or prayers but simply accept them as realities, and you'll find them to be powerful as you believe them." This is what struck me. I have got to get into the mind set of taking God's facts as fact...they are reality, HIS promises are true and HE is enough.
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