I posted a few weeks back about a book by John MacArthur that I was reading about parenting biblically. To be brutally honest, I haven't picked it up since that week...I did however finish Ch. 1 and found some applicable principles. They are quite simple...and God has already given them to us in His word...
I think I mentioned Deut 6:6-9...we need to constantly teach our kids the truth of God's word. We need to discipline them when the do wrong Prov23:13-14 and we need to NOT provoke them to anger Col 3:21. Do we as parents really need more than this?
I also liked what he had to say about our children's influences...it needs to come from us as parents...not from peers. "God has solemnly charged parents with the duty of raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It is not the parent's prerogative to delegate that duty to others. Parents must involve themselves in their children's lives enough to insure that no other influence take precedence." He goes on to say later in the chapter that "children are taught what they become if the become something other than what the parents had hoped for, it is usually because they have simply learned from those who were there to teach them in their parents absence....in other words, the parents, not the kids,-and not even the peer groups-are ultimately to blame for the parents' diminishing influence in our culture." How seriously are we taking our charge from the LORD to come along side HIM to mold and train up our children??
I have a lot to think about. I do plan on finishing the book. When time permits :) I want a change of attitude in my first ministry...being a wife and mother. I so desire to do this job well!!! I long to hear "well done my good and faithful servant." So I press on!!!
Stay tuned...I hope to give another chapter review next week...Lord willing!
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