Monday, December 5, 2011

Pardue Advent day 4 :)

Ok, I am naturally NOT a planner. I tried it once and didn't like it!! So with this Advent idea, I had to sit down and think of 24 different things to do each night...with the help of a friend...I got 14!! So needless to say last night, I had no plan. I was racking my brain all day to be honest..and there isn't much there in the creative department, so around 3p.m. I came up with a bike enjoy the creation that GOD has blessed us with, to look at the changing leaves and to just enjoy HIM out in the fresh air. I got some grumbling and complaining from Corey and Bailey...but they were forced to go :) We ended up doing 4mi, what a beautiful was quite cold, but it felt so so so good to be out there and be moving!

We came home from our ride and made a nice dinner, with the nice dishes and had sparkling cider. We read our Advent story at the table and chose secret Angles for the rest of the month. We are all challenged to do some nice things for our chosen. It is going to be interesting to see how this goes. Some of us are natural servants, and some of us...not so much. I am so excited to see how the LORD works through all of this. It is sad, but we don't serve one another enough around here...I mean in little things. Filling a water bottle, getting a blanket for someone..offering some of what we have (sharing), it is a shame and hard to watch us all be so selfish and self driven. So often we are so caught up in what we have to do or what we would like to do that we "forget" that we are not autonomous people. We live with 6 other people...we cannot only be concerned with self. So here we go...let's see how this plays out.

Now to see what I can come up with for tonight...

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